Broadmoor Elementary
1500 North Houston
Hobbs, NM 88240
Check the district web-site for menus.
We are proud to be an Official
Core Knowledge Visitation Site.
To maximize our student's learning please do not pick up students early from school unless absolutely necessary. Please try to schedule appointments for after school or on our early release time.
For reporting a student absence:
Call 575/433-1500 It is crucial to call the morning of the absence.
Please call the office to update any changes of phone numbers or your address. It is very important that we have these updates.
Parents we are always happy to have you visit our school. When you arrive we ask that you always enter our building at the front door and check in with the office and then sign in. The same is needed if your child is in a portable outside.
Lost and Found:
Parents check with us if your student is missing coats, glasses or lunch pails.
Thank you to our parents that consistently send lunch money to help keep their student's cafeteria account current! We appreciate your help! Elementary students are allowed only two charges. If you have questions please talk with Alma or Marla in the cafeteria from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. The menu is available online at hobbsschools.net.
Please remember that our doors do not open until 7:20. Please do not bring your child before that time so that they are properly supervised. If they walk to school, please do not allow them to arrive before this time.
Because we care about your child's safety, please be prepared to show a picture ID when checking your students out of school through the office.
Please make sure your child is using the crosswalk when crossing the street at all times.
Classes begin at 7:40:
Tardy Bell rings at 7:50. Please call our office when your student is absent and send a note when they return. 3 tardies = 1 unexcused absence. Thank you to those parents that regularly get their children to school on time.